Monday, April 15, 2013

Redneck weekend Anyone?

I have had a few weeks loaded with Spring activities.  We planted a few things and have been to the baseball fields more times than I care to count.  My love of romance novels has been put aside with all of the rush going on.  We live in the South where gardening, baseball and turkey season have taken over just about everything.  My goal for today is to write a few chapters in my next novel.  Then relax with a great steamy romance this afternoon before the battles begin on The Voice.

This weekend blew by in a complete rush.  Draining all of us from the non-stop activities.   I love the baseball and gardening.  I could care less for the turkeys.  I have listened to one too many calls this week and am suffering from a massive headache.  I blame my husband who is completely addicted to this little delicious bird. On a plus side, he is out of the house and it is quiet! No more turkey sounds echoing off of the walls making me grind my teeth.  This was also the youth hunt weekend.  Of course he had to steal the child and go walking through the woods making those annoying calls.  He is using his child as a cheating device to see where the turkeys are spending their time.The guys did not bring anything home and I was sent the picture below. 
Pine cones?  They sent me a picture of pine cones and bad face painting.  I have officially produced a little southern redneck.  Good thing about this kind of little monster is that they love their Momma's at the end of the day and can be some of the sweetest guys around.  I thought we were happy with the official country board game we already had, but no. Mother/son bonding was pushed aside for the day. No more "Whitetailopoly" for us.

He has learned of the turkey version of "Monopoly". I was hoping for the new Wii U with their new Lego game so I could ride a lawn mower undercover like the old man that would take his lawn mower to the grocery store when I was little and playing ball.  I am still working on that one. 

I can handle deer and fish, but turkeys are not the prettiest of all creatures.  They do taste really good, but I prefer the bought white turkeys.  Not the wild ones that eat all of the deer corn and have a shiny blue head with some kind of nastiness growing off to one side of the beak.  Oh well father and son are bonding and I am stuck here all alone.  It is amazing!  Now only if I can get them to take the dog so I do not have to listen to him lick himself repeatedly, on my new couch. 

1 comment:

  1. oh gosh..I remember when our dog did that all night at the foot our bed
    you have my sympathy
