Monday, March 18, 2013

Here Comes The Boom Review

My husband and I thought we would have another family movie night with the little monster since it is Spring Break and we have no other big plans this week.  Only thing planned is a lot of rest.  We all agreed on Here Comes The Boom.  I have loved Kevin James for years.  His acting is too fun to watch and his writing is even better.  How could you not like The King of Queens or Grown Ups?

The movie starts off with a burnt out teacher.  A few comments are made about the school system leading you to believe that is most of his problem for not caring any more.  I can relate to that having been in a classroom for years.  Every year there a new boundaries set for each grade level.  Expectations are high and continue to grow.  Then there are kids and parents with too much attitude.  Raising the bar is always great, but I do not see how some schools could fit in any more worksheets.   Well, that is a whole other topic.  Back to the break from reality with this movie.

James stays true to form, always being a big emotional softy.  While conning the music teaching into taking over bus duty for the day, he learns that the music teacher will be a father soon.  All is fine and great until a staff meeting announcing budget cuts.  Of course the cuts will come from mainly non-athletic extra-curriculum activities.  Mostly Music.  James stands up for the passionate music teacher, not wanting the guy to loose his job.  Henry Winkler is great as the over enthusiastic music man.

No solution is found, until a night of UFC watching.  Money is needed fast so the action in the octagon begins.  There are fights in the rain, in broken octagons, and other low key venues.  Each with their own downfall or obstacles to over come.  He enters a few fights, brings in some money and takes it to the school after each fight. Right before his big UFC fight with a payday that will fund the music enough to keep it going, he learns that the money had been stolen. This was the reason for the cuts in the first place due to lack of funds. 

James digs deep since he had found his passion for the kids again along the way.  He decides he can take the fight and win enough money for the music program to continue.  After a rough first few rounds in the octagon, he comes to the third round with his mind set on winning for the kids and his fellow teaching.  He reaches his goal and everyone is fine and happy.

There were a few other players along the way to build on the humor, drama and slightly strange romance.  Salma Hayek plays the school nurse attending to his medical needs after each fight and the long sought after romance that was finally obtained by James.  One student with a love for music, supports him all the way while he tries to keep her in school instead of working for her father's declining restaurant. 

Great cast, nice story and the happy ending everyone wants to see.  It had a few funny moments, but I laughed more during Ice Age.  It was a great, well rounded family movie for almost all ages.  My seven year old was not interested, but I have talked to a few that loved it. Plus, Diary of a Wimpy Kid had just come on.  My little monster could not turn that down.  If not for that, I think he would have liked this movie.

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